G3 Church Network
The goal of the G3 Church Network is to be a ministry connection point for pastors and local churches. Their aim is to engage in joyful ministry with and alongside other likeminded churches for the glory of God and the good of His people.

Family-Integrated Church Network
This network facilitates connections between churches who believe that scripture is sufficient and that the worship of God should be regulated by the Word of God alone. To apply these principles, these churches worship in an age-integrated fashion during their primary worship gatherings.

Founders Ministries maintains a list of churches. We are on that list. The purpose of the list is to aid people in finding a baptist church home that is sympathetic to the aims of the Founders movement and hold to the 1689 LBC.

The Master’s Fellowship is an association of pastors and missionaries bound together by love for the Living Word, The Master, our Lord Jesus, the church for which He died, and the bold proclamation of the exposited written word. The Fellowship’s purpose is to support the mission and leadership of the local church by connecting and networking like-minded pastors and missionaries who share core biblical convictions of doctrine and praxis.