Heritage Tulsa exists to Spread a Passion for the Supremacy, Loveliness, and Glory of Christ in All of Life for the Joy of Tulsa, Oklahoma and Beyond.
A High view of God and a High View of Scripture!
The label “Particular Baptist” originated within 17th-century Puritanism as an offshoot of Congregationalism. Particular Baptists adhere to the doctrine of a particular atonement—that Christ died only for the elect—and are strongly Calvinistic (following many of the Reformation teachings of John Calvin).
Long before the Protestant Reformation, However, there were religious groups who rejected the idea of infant baptism, believing that baptism should be administered to adults who had made a choice to follow Christ. These groups eventually came to be called Baptists (in general). In sixteenth- and seventeenth-century England, however, two different Baptist groups emerged: one Separatist, and one non-Separatist. The General Baptists were Separatist, believing that the Church of England was apostate, and that Bible-believing Christians should have nothing to do with it. The Particular Baptists were non-Separatist, forming their own congregations outside of the Church of England but seeking to maintain friendly relations with the Church of England. Notable Particular Baptists in England included John Gill, William Carey, John Bunyan, and Charles Spurgeon.
In Colonial America, the Particular Baptists thrived, especially after the First Great Awakening (c. 1735–1743). Like all Baptists, the Particular Baptists practice believer’s baptism by immersion and have a congregational form of church government. Believing that no civil authority has a right to dictate what a person believes or how he worships. This right is reserved for God alone!
In general, Particular Baptists uphold a Bible-based theology and follow the 1689 London Baptist Confession of Faith.
Long before the Protestant Reformation, However, there were religious groups who rejected the idea of infant baptism, believing that baptism should be administered to adults who had made a choice to follow Christ. These groups eventually came to be called Baptists (in general). In sixteenth- and seventeenth-century England, however, two different Baptist groups emerged: one Separatist, and one non-Separatist. The General Baptists were Separatist, believing that the Church of England was apostate, and that Bible-believing Christians should have nothing to do with it. The Particular Baptists were non-Separatist, forming their own congregations outside of the Church of England but seeking to maintain friendly relations with the Church of England. Notable Particular Baptists in England included John Gill, William Carey, John Bunyan, and Charles Spurgeon.
In Colonial America, the Particular Baptists thrived, especially after the First Great Awakening (c. 1735–1743). Like all Baptists, the Particular Baptists practice believer’s baptism by immersion and have a congregational form of church government. Believing that no civil authority has a right to dictate what a person believes or how he worships. This right is reserved for God alone!
In general, Particular Baptists uphold a Bible-based theology and follow the 1689 London Baptist Confession of Faith.
We are a confessional church . That means that our statement of faith is the 1689 London Baptist Confession.
In short, it means we hold to the absolute authority of Scripture, the centrality of God, the sovereignty of grace, the primacy of preaching (expository), and the regulative principle of worship.
In short, it means we hold to the absolute authority of Scripture, the centrality of God, the sovereignty of grace, the primacy of preaching (expository), and the regulative principle of worship.
We worship God the Father, Son, and Spirit together through the preaching and receiving of the gospel from the Bible, singing, praying, taking the Lord’s Supper, observing Baptism as the outward sign of faith in Jesus, as well as the giving of our finances to fuel the mission of Jesus’ church.
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In addition to gathering for worship every Sunday, we have Fellowship Groups that typically meet at least once per week. If the local church is like a family, the Sunday gathering is like a family reunion and Fellowship Groups are like an immediate family. Each week we gather in these smaller groups to share a meal, pray, study the Bible, discuss the previous week’s sermon, and generally seek one another’s good. To get plugged in to a Fellowship Group, come to a worship gathering, email [email protected], or call us!
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"An excellent place to come and gather with other sinners and hear the word of God preached without any apologies or hype and high performance entertainment. If your hungry to hear the word of God we look forward to seeing you."
- Chris Rochell Sr.
"You will not find a more passionate, loving and Reformed preacher in Oklahoma, than at Heritage Tulsa. We are so blessed to have Pastor Brandon Scalf as our Shepherd who not only leads his sheep but feeds us well too."
- Karen Kitchen
"Excellent reformed expository preaching, and a loving, welcoming, supportive church body. We are so glad God placed this church in Tulsa. If you are looking for a solid elder lead reformed baptist church, this is the place."
- Margot Hamby